jean pierre rousselet
Rousselet Art
I believe that art has the power to bring people together and inspire change.
From the world's third largest city, Sao Paulo, Brazil comes Jean Pierre Rousselet, an artist without boundaries.
He got his paint stained genes from his artistic father. Jean Pierre graduated with degrees in fine arts/industrial design and architecture from Sao Paulo's internationally recognized universities FAU and FAAP and has been a professional artist ever since.
In 2001 he relocated to Miami, Florida to serve as a producer for Disney Channel International television. His work in film and television has earned him both national and international awards.
His talents are not confined to the screen or the canvas, Jean Pierre s sculptures and interior design create an artistic atmosphere. With a keen eye on the future, the commercially abstracts works of Jean Pierre Rousselet promise to offer a new perspective on both portraits of people we know or classic works of art we recognize.
What if Michelangelo had apprenticed at Andy Warhol s Factory in New York City?
The results might be something like the works of Brazilian born, Florida based, painter
Jean Pierre Rousselet.
Bob Weinberg - CityLink magazine, FL newspaper

The Journey So Far

Marforio, a large 1s century Roman marble sculpture of a reclining bearded river god or Oceanus, identified as a depictio of Jupiter, Neptune. The marble sculpture is located in the courtyard of Capitoline Museums - the huge male deity holds a shell in his left hand, below the figure there is a sea monster, from whose mouth water falls into the pool in front of it gushes. The statue is interpreted as the personification of Ocean or a river, perhaps the Nera. The work was found in the Forum of Augustus, near the Temple of Mars Ultor, in the sixteenth century, in the area known as the Forum of Mars.
photographed by Jean Pierre Rousselet ©
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